Multi Tip Replacement Teeth
MULTI-TIP is a completely new approach to stump cutter teeth and wheel design.
CHANGE WORN TEETH IN SECONDS LOW RUNING COST NO ADJUSTMENT NEEDED ONE BOLT, NON-LOAD BEARING ONE TOOTHE FITS ALL POSITIONS WHEEL ALLWAYS IN PERFECT BALLANCE MULTI-TIP wheels are available for all major stump grinders. Each wheel is uniouely designed for every model of machine to get the optimum system for the power, rotational speed and size of wheel used. The unique shape of the wheel ensures optimal slew cutting and guarantees that the teeth are always fitted in the correct position. |
Objective was to design a system which allowed a QUICK CHANGING of the teeth, and low runing costs without compromising performance of the machine. The solution is an innovative wheel design with multiple tip teeth. |
The MULTI-TIP wheel is a polygon not circular. Each corner is a different distance from the wheel centre and yet the wheel is perfectly balanced about the centre. This design gives the side cutting depth required (slew cut). At each corner a slot is cut, into which the unique MULTI-TIP tooth is sloted. Each slot is the same size, and each tooth is the same. The slotted wheel means that the forces are taken through the wheel and not through the clamps and bolts. The tooth is secured in place with a single bolt which needs no special tools or force for changing. Changing a tooth requires removing just one bolt.
THE TEETH: The slot is wedge shaped so that the angled tooth is drawn down into the slot using a keeper block. This ensures the tooth is always held rigidly in place. The single bolt is then passed through the keeper block into a threaded insert under the tooth assembly. The bolt does not require high tension, since the forces are taken through the wheel, not the tooth / clamps. The whole assembly can be removed in about 30 seconds.The tooth is tipped with four tungsten carbide tips. Two forward facing and two side facing. This ensures an even cutting action. A typical wheel would have 6-8 slots, giving 16-32 cutting tips - compared to only 12-16 on an equivalent conventional wheel |